This is an example of why my Dad gave me the very good advice of "get the money up front!!". This is the first commission where the guy stiffed me. So...I'm starting this painting off a $1.00...
When I was a kid, my dad used to drive to some subdivision in the middle of the night in Atlanta to dump garbage on somebody's front lawn. I remember the story being told to me later that "that guy screwed me otta three grand!!". I think this random garbage dumping went on for a few years. We reap what we sow...and so shall we reap, baby!
I suppose there's something to be said for a certain amount of effort and dedication involved in holding a grudge. This also illustrated to me that anger requires a certain amount of energy. Energy that I need for other things.
"slinky (homemade)", 2008
10" x 5", oil on gessoed panel
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