There was a book in the 70's about how too much CANDY ( "Continuously Advertised Nutritionally Deficient Yummies") was killing the children of America, and that this CANDY was... a MONSTER! The funny thing about this little cookbook was that there were tons of recipes that contained huge amounts of sugar. Wouldn't this be a... SUGAR MONSTER?
The Candy Monster really wasn't too much of an invasive predator in my home as a kid. However, I can tell you who was more of a problem for my sister and I. It may have been the... "NO" MONSTER! My parents weren't really at the mercy of any candy commercial to the point of making a homemade Snicker's out of soybeans and molasses. They just used the word "No!"... a lot.
This may be where my ongoing battle with the "NO" Monster started. The "NO" Monster has been a WAY bigger threat to my personal happiness both as a child and now as a larger/older person. Things like:
"No! We do NOT drink out of the toilet!" ( I remember doing this when I was three years old ).
"No! We do NOT take Holiday Inn towels to Boy Scout camp!" ( I totally get this one now ).
"No! We're not getting a monkey! ( Ron Ely made it look so cool!).
Or, today, where the "NO" Monster rears his ugly head in an attempt to spoil my fun:
"No! We are not spending $25,000.00 on Christopher Reeve's costume from Superman III" ( actually, I should have scraped up the bread for that one anyway. I was totally cool! You know, the "dirty" costume where Superman turns slightly evil during the movie).
"No! We are not going to 'suspend' everything and follow RUSH's tour across the U.S.!" ( Limelight never gets old, baby!).
"No! We're not getting a monkey! ( I do NOT get this one).
Either way, I'm going to be in the MONSTERS show on July 16th. I don't have any monsters, but everything I've painted is over life size ( kinda monster-like, right?). My colors are rich and tasty ( like candy).
Okay, I've got one. Hey, check this monster out: