The Adventures of Superman T.V. show from the mid 1950's is my version of "comfort food". There's a minor problem. Then, after much silly behavior by Lois and Jimmy, Superman comes in and fixes it. This painting is actually a little version of one that I was actually going to paint for myself ( eventually...).
How is it that every villain in contemporary cinema has a mastery of the martial arts equal to the skill of the hero? Not only is this totally retarded, but very unsatisfying. Ben Gazzara was actually a real challenge to Swayze in Road House? Road House being one of those truly exceptionally bad movies that you save for "special occasions". Some highlights:
-great dialogue where the gorgeous blonde female doctor marvels at the extensive wounds ( that the guy sewed up himself...) of an incredibly attractive male professional bouncer/ bar-straightener-outer-guy.
-scenes of the same guy doing tai chi outside while communing with mother nature ( and glaring at the villian across the lake).
- blind musician Jeff Healey "senses" Swayze through the sound of his fighting ( some guy actually wrote that scene down on paper). Healey also divulges to the audience that Swayze is "known" for his bar bouncing skills throughout the U.S. ( and I imagine parts of Canada).
The stars aligned when the writers of Road House penned this 1989 classic. Also, we get acting from Elvis Memphis Mafia alumni Red West ( this is his MySpace page...and coincidentally also the reason why I do not have one), Sam Elliot, and that guy from Emergency!
I realize that the first part of this little writing and the second part have very little to do with each other ( well, other than the fact that they are totally self-indulgent ramblings...).
However, I'm right about Road House.
"metropolis", 2008
6" x 6", oil on gessoed panel
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