Sammy Davis Jr. sings EVERY SONG like its an epic! Like its gonna be the last song every sung by anyone...ever. His "The Lady is a Tramp" is, in my mind, the ONLY version. What every happened to the "triple threat" ( actor, singer, and dancer)? Is that what Richard Gere is supposed to be now?
Last week my little Chiquita got kicked off of a reputable online auction site due to its "mature themes". I suppose you don't need to be Freud to find something in naked lady and banana . To be honest, that composition came together kind of accidentally.
Can you take little children to major art museums to see renaissance artwork? Seriously, are a couple of nipples going send anyone into some sort of sexual whirlwind of debauchery? Aren't "grown ups" the one's cruising the internet for oil paintings anyway ( I haven't sold a single painting to any children yet...). Is it stupid to end every sentence in a question? This brings to mind Harvey Korman in Blazing Saddles when he looks at the camera and says " why am I talking to you?". Man, I really miss him!
Whatever ( this seems to be the only word to use anymore when you throw your hands up and give in...).
This week...I use ribbon to conceal the infinite feminine delights displayed. Yeah, I get it, Hitchcock movies are great due to what you can't see and what you imagine, but...c'mon.
Oh, has anyone ever needed to "skin a cat". Even stranger, has anyone ever needed more than one way to "skin a cat"?
"epic", 2008
6" x 6", oil on gessoed panel
private collection Pin It Now!