Okay, so I'm cutting some wood for the fireplace on my porch ( it's like 20 degrees here so...). I'm using a little hand held axe ( commonly referred to in the South as a "chop-axe"...Yeah, I know), and some guy comes up to me and says, " I see you're choppin' some wood there! I have some wood you could have, if you're interested". Okay, on my street there are like 20 or 30 people a day who walk up and down the sidewalk for exercise or whatever. My house is like 50 feet from the sidewalk , but anytime I'm in the yard people seem to deviate from their trip to say "Hello, "Howdy-do", or "Hey".
Okay, back to the guy. I just got a little puppy, and my Mom, wife and dog are sitting on the porch having a little coffee ( not the dog) watching me cut some wood and having a little chit-chat. I've had this puppy for about 2 weeks and it hasn't made a peep ( it sits by my feet while I paint...really), but as soon as guy walks up the barking starts. It turns out that guy doesn't want to give me wood...he wants to sell me some wood. Dog still barking through his wood pitch. I let her bark. Finally, guy says, "you know, you should really get that dog trained to be nice to people". I say ( which my Mom scolds me for later), "Yeah, we're on a program,but we haven't gotten to the part on dealing with roving wood peddlers". That guy still left me his card.
"granny core", 2007
6" x 6", oil on gessoed hardboard Pin It Now!