I've been thinking about doing a series of these for years. I like lobby cards and commercial illustration from the 30's and 40's. One of my favorite paintings of all time is a conceptual piece of Superman ( for the radio show) by H.J. Ward from the early 1940's. This hung in one of the board rooms of DC comics until the 1980's. The colors are rich golds and violets that seemed to be a little better than "real life". Hey, dig where this thing turned up!

Superman, 1940
60" x 45", oil on panel
Apparently standing off the coast of Honolulu or Oz or something?
I'm working on the second part of Red Zeppelin I right now, but here's where I am at up to the end of the first sitting. I used a mix of Burnt Umber and Burnt Sienna with no medium. Fat over Lean, baby! As I add more layers, I'll use more and more medium which in this case will be Galkyd from Gamblin. It's a rich honey in color and consistency, and it levels beautifully! It's also very, very quick drying.

Red Zeppelin I, 2011
30" x 40", oil on cradled panel Pin It Now!