The Kool-aid man gets pants but not Mr. Potato Head? Does Mr. Potato Head not pose the same "threat" to our children? A pitcher of powdered fruit drink has genitals? Invisible genitals? Does Mr. Potato Head have these as well?
Fun Fact:
The use of a food item in conjunction with the word "head" is always a great insult.
food + "head" = funny
Examples like:
"Okay, let's go talk to this meat-head..."
"Hey, banana-head...look what you're doing!"
"Hold on a sec', I have to call this potato-head back to see where my check "disappeared" to..."
I actually had to modify this Mr. Potato Head to accomodate the third arm. The past version had the arms already attached ( pre-'83). I have a 50's and 70's version of Mr. Potato Head, but to be honest ( and this is rarely the case), the current sculp is the most iconic looking. The previous guys also had a cool little pipe ( no more of that...). The current basic version comes with a moustache, glasses, different mouth, and...no pants.
On evolution:
If a meteor had not struck the earth millions of years ago, does that mean I would slide down the back of a Brontosaurus when I got off work?
evolution, 2008
8" x 8", oil on gessoed panel
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