"does this suit make me look fat", 2010
24" x 24" oil on cradled panel
Wow! Actually, I'm not really sure that I can say anything that appropriately captures the whole experience of the "Monsters" opening at Kai Lin Art in Atlanta on July 16th. Here are a few pictures of the action:

Jon Arge did the "Monsters" window. He also had a Batman that was in the show as well as many other cool pieces.

See the Batman? Also, Solongo Mellecker's painting "No Pets Allowed" is there too. It's funny because I usually use a Komodo Dragon as my goto example of an endangered species. Example:
Hey, give me a break with the whole "green" thing! It's not like I'm frying up a pan of Komodo Dragon steaks or anything!!

Note: my work is also prominently located by the bar.

Oh, yeah, and another thing I learned that night is that I'm apparently not attractive enough to be gay! You know I learned to live with the whole too-short-for-pro-basketball-thing, but every time I feel a door closed in my face it still stings a little, you know?

At this point, it's still light outside...

Some people kinda ran with the whole "Monsters" thing and actually came in costume. I, once again, didn't get this memo and got left out of this part of it. It's kind of a shame too because I had my 1966 Ben Cooper Wonder Woman all laid out and everything.

Actually, this is Dante DeStefano who had several awesome little "Monsters" in the show as well as an installation on the wall.

At this point, it's 118 degrees inside...

"The joint was jumpin' like the Sands"! Pin It Now!