apple cock , 2009
20" x 20", oil on canvas
When I was in fifth grade, I got in trouble by Mrs. Brown ( now dead ) for "conspiring to corrupt fellow students" by looking up dirty words in the giant dictionary in the school library ( and then circling them). Mrs. Brown was an old "suthun" troll who fell asleep during class and had daily readings from the bible ( only in Georgia can you get away with that sort of thing).

town crier , 2009
12" x 12" , oil on canvas
Yeah, I suppose there is an element of danger when you walk out the front door. I guess how you deal with this sort of "doom" defines what sort of person you are. I think what I'm really saying is that unless you work in a hospital or the local dump, do you really need to carry around a little container of Purell hand sanitizer?
Here's a couple of paintings that will be in the Miller Gallery's "Rosemary's Babies" show on February 13. Over the last couple of years, I've made over 200 little paintings and its been nice getting back to larger sizes. Also, working on canvas has been different too ( the boards tend to "suck" the paint into it while the canvas has more of a tooth to work with).
Please contact the Miller Gallery in Cincinnati, OH for more information about purchasing either of these paintings. Pin It Now!