I worked on Der Bingle a little more ( this was supposedly what the Germans called him during WWII, but I think they would have actually just called him by his NAME. There is no German translation for "Der Bingle"). I also finished Bob. I loved doing it.
-"Thanks for the Memories" ( what became his theme song) was actually a B-side to "Penthouse Serenade" ( which isn't really very good). These songs were duets with Shirley Ross ( not Dorothy Lamour as most people think). Lamour sang the studio version of "My Favorite Brunette" ( one of his absolute best!!).
-Bob was the first to sing the Christmas song "Silver Bells" on screen in "The Lemon Drop Kid".
-There was talk in the late 40's and through the 50's of Bob running for President of the United States due to his immense popularity. He totally would have won, but he was born in England and was not eligible to run. There was also talk of attempting to change this law strictly for Bob to get in, but it was too soon after WWII and never pursued.
Bing, 2007
6" x 6", oil on gessoed panel
Bob, 2007
6" x 6", oil on gessoed panel
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