strawberry teacup, 2009
12" x 12", oil on birch panel
Here's some new work for the upcoming show Freshblood at Mason Murer Gallery on May 29 in Atlanta, GA.
While I've been logging in a lot of hours painting for the shows in the coming months, I've been reunited with my old friend Mr. Bill Bixby (a.k.a Dr. David Bruce Banner). Hulu has the first three seasons of The Incredible Hulk available and its FANTASTIC!
I have to say that The Incredible Hulk television show is a gold-mine of comedic riches. It's like The Fugitive only where the protagonist actually looks for trouble. Bixby's problem on the show isn't the fact that he turns into a giant retarded green man, but it's his inability to avoid meddling in the affairs of strangers.
Here's my favorite episode from the series titled "The Slam". This one has everything! Robert Davi as an evil prison guard, and my favorite character actor Charles Napier ( as an inmate who has been in the county jail for FIVE YEARS) . Do they give prison sentences that long in county jail? We also have David ( Bixby) "hulking out", escaping, and then... getting re-captured.
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